
Conservatorium -postponed

Wed, 4 Jun 2014

by Julie Bourke
Posted: about 10 years ago
Updated: about 10 years ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Sydney
Reminder: None

The Conservatorium would like to showcase the Marching Koalas and the Conservatorium Concert Band in a joint concert on Wednesday 4 June 2014.
Profits from the evening door takings will be donated to the Marching Koalas Tour funds.
Michael Bell, the Conservatorium Concert Band conductor will conduct the concert on Wednesday 4 June 2014 at the Conservatorium Concert Hall.


The evening concert would start at 7.30pm and finish approx 9.15pm
There would be a practice by the concert band from 5pm to 6.15pm (their normal band rehearsal time) and a run through for the Marching Koalas from 6.15pm to 7.00pm
We would then break for 1/2 an hour and let the audience in from 7pm with a 7.30pm concert of 2 × 40 minute halves.
7.30pm to 8.10pm INTERVAL then 8.30pm to 9.10pm finish.


Conservatorium of Music